Thursday, June 19, 2008

Triathlon gear

I've been thinking about all the stuff that I could buy for this race like...padded bike shorts(my tush still hurts from Monday), an outfit you do everything in so you don't have to change, a belt thingy that you put your number on so you just have to buckle it real quick, one of those tiny shammy things that you see the olympic swimmers use to dry themselves with, bike shoes that fit(if I decide to use the clipless pedals)... I could go on but I was just wondering what is essential? Maybe those who are experienced(Kirsten and Mindy) could help me decide what I really need and what is more of a "perk".


Kelly(M&M) said...

I need help with this too!!

Marnie said...

I would like to know as well.

the warrens said...

hey molly it's tara. i was excited to see that you're talking about tris. i've been doing tris for the last several years and look forward to starting them up again in july. :) i would definitly get a race number belt. it saves time in the T2 and you can just snap it on after you've put your shoes on an while you're running out of T2. the other tip that may sound like "an extra" but is super worth it are those shoelace synchers(sp) for your runners. that's about 30 secs saved with those. let me know if i can share anything else... like using body glide or pam spray in your wetsuit to make it come off faster...